Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Can you hear me NOW?!

A few years ago there was plenty of chatter (haha) about whether or not to allow the use of cellphones on commercial airliners. After much debate the idea didn't gather support and seemed to get disconnected by the airline industry. Fast (call) forward. Singapore Airlines announced a few days ago that they are considering installing technology to allow for cellphone use during flight on their medium and long haul flights. Not during takeoff and landing...whew! But during the flight! Imagine being awakened by someone yelling, "Can you hear me now?"

A Singapore Airlines spokesperson says they're gathering feedback from customers and will evaluate before moving forward.

The need to stay connected is understandable. Many airlines (Delta, AirTran, jetBlue, Southwest to name a few) have already installed, or are installing, wifi on their fleets. Is this not enough connectivity for most people?

Allowing cellphone use on board will definitely make the job of the flight attendant and flight deck crew more challenging (It's hard enough getting customers to turn off cellphones before push back from the gate, imagine once airborne?). It's probably a matter of time before US airlines follow suit.
Today's question: As a customer what would you do if someone seated next to you had no 'in-flight cellphone etiquette" and repeatedly (and loudly) said, 'Can you hear me NOW?!'

Keep it low and tight, low and tight...

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